

JCGS 句容碧桂园学校 2017-11-29


2017年7月29日—8月3日,MicroBiz! 第十三届国际未来商业领袖峰会在上海举办,近千名全国优秀代表汇聚一堂。我校MYP王文城同学获得“未来商学院 Future MBA 最佳学员奖”,程璐瑶同学获得“年度最佳产品经理”!特此祝贺!From July 29th to August 3rd 2017, MicroBiz, the 13th International Future Business Leader Summit was held in Shanghai, with nearly a thousand of outstanding delegates from all over the country gathering there together. Wang Wencheng from our MYP got a certificate about “Future MBA Best Student”, and Cheng Luyao got a certificate about “Product Manager of the Year”. Congratulations!!!

主办方介绍 Introduction about MicroBiz!

作为中国高中生商赛活动的发起者,MicroBiz!(卓识成就旗下品牌)一贯坚持着永不停息、追求卓越的研发态度。2011年开始独立运营中学生商业模拟挑战赛,已举办13届全国未来商业领袖峰会,覆盖全国重点学校逾750所,参与全国商赛的中学生超8700名。As the sponsor of Chinese high school business competition, MicroBiz! always adhere to the research and development attitude of never stop and pursue excellence. Since 2011, MicroBiz started running mock-commerce competitions for Chinese middle school students and have altogether organized 13 international commerce leader summits, with a total of over 750 different schools and over 8700 middle and high school students having participated.

第一部分议程:Future MBA未来商学院

Future MBA未来商学院采用分会场小班统一上课的形式,向学生介绍最为经典商业经济巨著以及商业操作经验。课程邀请了国内外权威学府讲师或知名企业中担当其课程相应职位的商业精英,让学员提前体验商学院课程的真实氛围和职场知识。

 Summit Part 1: The Future MBA Study Centre

The Future MBA Future Business Study Centre took the form of small class teaching, classic great works about commercial economy and experience about commercial operation were introduced to the students. Some of the leading authorities from both China and abroad were invited to have class for the students, in order to give students a chance to experience the real atmosphere of the curricula in business school and develop their knowledge about job market.

第二部分议程:MicroBiz! 商业模拟挑战赛

Summit Part 2: Mock Commerce Competition

每公司人数不多于七人,公司各部门具体分为以下四项:Each company consisted of no more than seven people, departments of the company are divided into the following four categories:


再创佳绩 Great Achievements

王文城、程璐瑶、朱彦臻、郑不疑、王心田同学所在公司,在商模逾百支参赛队中脱颖而出,获得佳绩,更收获个人奖项。在这场大赛中,有着极强的商业素养与商业能力的五位同学,开拓商业思维,锻炼领袖才能,收获了独一无二的创业体验。希望中学部同学们能够乘风破浪,越战越勇,在第十四届比赛中飞得更高,走得更远!The company of Wang Wencheng, Cheng Luyao, Zhu Yanzhen, Zheng Buyi and Wang Xintian achieved excellent results, standing out among the more than 100 teams in the competition of Business Simulation. What’s more, they won many individual awards in this competition. The five students with strong business literacy and business skills have developed their business thinking, exercised their leadership skills, and gained a unique entrepreneurial experience in this competition. Hope MYP students can work harder to achieve better results in the 14th International Competition.









